The Latest on Supply and Demand in Housing
Over the past two years, the substantial imbalance of low housing supply and high buyer demand pushed home sales and buyer competition to new heights.…
Over the past two years, the substantial imbalance of low housing supply and high buyer demand pushed home sales and buyer competition to new heights.…
If you’re following today’s housing market, you know two of the top issues consumers face are inflation and mortgage rates. Let’s take a look at…
Experts are starting to make their 2023 home price forecasts. As they do, most agree homes will continue to gain value, just at a slower…
One of the biggest questions people are asking right now is: what’s happening with home prices? There are headlines about ongoing price appreciation, but at the…
According to a recent survey from the Wall Street Journal, the percentage of economists who believe we’ll see a recession in the next 12 months is growing. When…
The housing market is rapidly changing from the peak frenzy it saw over the past two years. That means you probably have questions about what your best…
With mortgage interest rates at heights not seen in 14 years, home buyers are seeking strategies to combat those high interest rates when making an…
The talk of a housing bubble in the coming year seems to be at a fever pitch as rising mortgage rates continue to slow down an overheated…
Whether or not you owned a home in 2008, you likely remember the housing crash that took place back then. And news about an economic slowdown happening…
When the pandemic hit in 2020, many experts thought the housing market would crash. They feared job loss and economic uncertainty would lead to a…